Group profile

Claire Group is 5 companies working daily to improve the performance of our water supply networks, in the context of a shared strategy and values.


Claire Group is committed to preserving water as a resource

Our objective is to act as the go-to partner for our customers to Equip and Improve the performance of water networks, using:  

  • Equipment for the construction, maintenance and renovation of water distribution networks to keep them working efficiently in the long term;  
  • Products and systems for diagnostics, surveillance and control, to improve the performance of our water networks.  

To do this, we use a 3-line strategy:  

  • Growth: we must continue to grow our business so we can keep innovating and investing  
  • Efficiency: our aim is to improve the efficiency of our processes and organisation, so that our product offer sets the go-to standard  
  • Long-term development: our decisions are taken in order to develop the business and build a future for our company and its stakeholders.  
Key data

The go-to partner for water supply network operators

To reach its objective, Claire Group deploys a strategy of external growth, to procure all the skills and expertise needed to reinforce its position as a water industry specialist. Today, Claire Group comprises 7 entities, 10 competence centres and a workforce of almost 320 employees, who are working to achieve the success of this ambition.  

Almost 180

years of experience

Over 40

countries with sales contacts


logistics sites, 6 of which include production


staff, 40 of whom work in the sales force

+ 115M

turnover in 2023

Key data

Formation and growth of Claire Group

Our values

Values that match our ambitions

Claire Group companies all share the same values.  

Quality is an absolute must. Every product, system or solution is designed to guarantee the durability of the water network.  

Listening and responding to customer requirements, providing advice and support and having an on-the-ground presence: proximity between staff and customer is a key value in our commercial relations.  

By upgrading our existing equipment, constantly researching new solutions for new applications, anticipating future needs, we use innovation as a driver in our development.  

Claire Group is committed to a very noble cause: preserving the water resource.