Eaux naturelles

The problems facing natural waters  

The term “natural waters” encompasses underground water (seepage and groundwater), standing surface water (lakes, dam reservoirs and low water), flowing surface water (rivers, streams and brooks), seas and oceans. On our ‘blue’ planet, all these bodies of water form a valuable resource, for more than one reason:  

  • Biodiversity: natural waters are an environment favourable to the development of many living organisms. Aquatic flora and fauna is rich and diverse.  
  • As a legacy: rivers, seas and lakes are part of the rich beauty of our natural environment.  
  • Drinking water: 80% of the water drawn in France comes from surface bodies of water. The rest comes from groundwater.  

The right level and good quality of natural water is in a precarious balance. We need to preserve our natural waters in order to protect the environment and human health, while securing our supplies of potable water.  

Find out more about the issues
Almost 40

 billion m3 of water drawn each year in France

15 %

of the water drawn is destined for the supply of drinking water


water courses counted in France (2021)

By your side,
at every stage of the network management process

Claire Group supports water operators in the construction, running and efficiency-raising of water networks. Our companies are engaged at each step of the drinking water cycle and are committed to:

  • Manufacturing innovative products with a robust design, built to last and made from quality materials
  • Developing high-tech instrumentation systems in compact boxes, to assure the precise monitoring of sensitive points on the network
  • Facilitating network maintenance and upgrading, thanks to supervision software used for the remote control of key points
  • Enabling anyone to detect and repair network leaks using accessories ranging from entry-level to the most highly-specialised
Visuel président
‘‘Choosing quality materials is a commercial decision, a collective approach to preserving water as a resource - and it makes economic sense in the long term. ’’
Damien Verhee
President of Claire Group
Our solutions

Whatever the context,
we work to address all your issues

Claire Group designs, develops and industrialises global solutions for the effective surveillance of natural waters. Sensors can provide point-specific or permanent measurements in the environment. Data loggers collect and transmit the output data. Supervision tools are used to compile, process and analyse these data. This structured approach makes it easier for the organisations responsible for overseeing the equilibrium and preservation of our natural waters, to prioritise their work.  

Our team

Water network specialists providing on-the-ground support

Claire Group also has a team of over 40 technical and commercial water network specialists providing service coverage in mainland France and the overseas territories, and internationally.

Our expert teams understand the issues and limitations facing our customers and help them find the best solutions to the challenges they face. The network specialists will also work with our development and production teams, to offer custom-built or turnkey equipment.