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Newsletter Sign-Up

We have received your request to subscribe to the Newsletter!

Now, to validate your registration, you must click on the button “I validate my subscription to the newsletter” present in the email that we have just sent you via the email communication[@] This step (qualified as “double opt-in”) is mandatory for two reasons:

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Your registration is not yet validated

To validate your registration:

Please click on the button in the email we just sent you.

If you haven't received it, check that the email is not in your spam.

If you do not confirm your email address:

You will not be able to subscribe to our newsletter. If you haven't received our email, check your spam.

If you use hotmail or yahoo webmails, you may not have received a confirmation email. In this case, contact us.

Are you having a problem?

If you do not find our email in your mailbox or in your spam, your registration is not validated. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like us to subscribe you to the newsletter.